October 3rd, 2006
- The Newsnight book club publishes an extract from Richard Dawkins’ new book, The God Delusion. It sounds hilarious. Dawkins on claims that Katrina was God’s retribution:
It is clearly a must, must buy.
- The Sony Reader electronic book is now available. $350. It will be interesting to see it in person so I can judge how fine the e-ink is. Unlikely though it sounds, I’m particularly excited by the resize text function. I’ll be getting my wallet out when it can do colour and I’m able to download my (cheaper) electronic magazine subs to it directly. Douglas Adams would be pleased.
- Robert X Cringlely has some interesting thoughts on the strategy underpinning Microsoft’s new iPod wannabe, the Zune media player (scroll down, “Why Zune?” subheading):
- Wow. Friends Reunited have redesigned their logged-in homepage and it’s even more hideously overwrought than before. Stuffed to the gunwhales with links, adds, buttons, and calls-to-action. Where am I supposed to look? What am I supposed to click? It’s like they loaded their content inventory into a shotgun and fired it at the screen.
- Great piece on Icon Analysis at Boxes and Arrows, including some interesting info on how different vision channels in the eye perceive different qualities of an object we’re focussing on. Interesting tidbit: peripheral vision is not in colour.
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